cowboy crone

Cowboy Crone

Intern to The Chief Canine Officer

I’m brand new and chomping at the bit to help our clients go get some justice!


Cowboy Crone is the newest addition to our growing canine team at The Crone Law Firm. He will be assisting Archie Crone in all things team morale and treat justice. He lives with Archie and James Crone and likes to think that waking them up twice a night to play helps productivity.

Cowboy is a very low back 5 month old puppy that likes to eat treats and play chase. His games of chase can last as long as some depositions because he is surprisingly fast for his age, and he does not chase, you chase. He loves to run around the office in a big circle while someone walks behind him.

Since he’s so young, he is still an intern. We’re hoping he can assist Archie on The Pawffice, but we don’t know where his professional skills are quite yet. He’s ready to fight for our clients as he gives puppy bites to opposing counsel! (The puppy bites may be playful and not hurt at all, but he doesn’t have to know that)
