Archie Crone
Chief Canine Officer
I just want to be a good boy, and help our attorneys go get some justice for our clients!
Archie Crone is our firm’s dog that lives with the our marketing director, James Crone. Archie likes to help around the office by interrupting work to get pats, begging for lunch, and occasionally barking at nothing when a bird flies past a window. He also likes to nap around lunchtime, and chew on his bone in the office.
Archie is also the author of our blog The Pawffice! The Pawffice is a monthly blog series that Archie writes that talks about what it’s like working in an office for a dog. He also gives employment law tips! (The blogs are fact checked by our attorneys. He had to learn the hard way that shaking his paw with a human is not the same as a legally binding contract).
In his free time, he likes to destroy all stuffed animals in his path, chase squirrels, and even takes his work home with him by barking out the window at nothing. He would like to declare that he is a good boy, and that a judge has said so which makes it law (no it doesn’t).
2024 Archie Madness!