Justine Word

Justine Word

Intake Specialist

I want to help people get back what they deserve, and I’m excited to be at a place where I can do that.


Justine Word was born and raised in Helena-West Helena, Arkansas. She has lived in Washington, DC; and Atlanta, among other cities in which she gained significant experience in the government, nonprofit and private sectors. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Western Governors University, and is currently working to obtain her MBA.

She has dedicated her time and skills to the fields of IT, Law, Banking, Retail, Education and several other industries. She has also spent the last 10 years providing business planning support, as well as coaching small business owners and managing projects for business entities of all sizes. She enjoys volunteering, as well as mentoring and supporting the Youth.

Justine came from humbled beginnings and seeks to be an inspiration to those around her every day, as well as be a positive example of how focus and dogged determination can overcome any obstacle. She was overjoyed to join The Crone Law Firm, as one of her longest held aspirations is to become an Attorney. The Crone Law Firm has restored a great deal of her hope about today’s employers, and she is excited to support potential clients as they navigate difficult times.

Justine considers herself to be a professional traveler, but also enjoys making and performing music, reading, writing, hiking, cooking, building great relationships and exploring almost anything new and fun.
