Even in our modern age, workplace discrimination still occurs on an alarmingly frequent basis. Despite numerous federal and state laws that clearly prohibit acts of workplace discrimination, employees experience it from both employers and fellow employees. In 2021, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission received 61,331 charges of workplace discrimination nationwide and 2256 total charges of workplace discrimination in Tennessee.
Workplace discrimination is against the law and you do not have to suffer in silence or fear. Employees have rights and a seasoned Tennessee Employment Law Attorney from The Crone Law Firm can help you navigate the process of asserting your rights in the workplace and pursuing a formal complaint.
Is Workplace Discrimination Really a Problem?
Many may ask this question, especially if they have never been a victim of discrimination in the workplace. Some may have experienced some form of discrimination and never realized it, while others may simply ignore it. Experts estimate that too many incidents of workplace discrimination go unreported every year by those who don’t wish to be involved or fear retaliation if they file a formal complaint. In fact, retaliation is the most frequent charge in workplace discrimination cases.
In 2022, 46% of employees surveyed say discrimination is a problem in their workplace. Other statistics demonstrate that workplace discrimination really is a problem across Tennessee and the United States. Note these types of discrimination in the workplace and their frequency:
- Disability – 36.10%
- Race – 32.70%
- Sex – 31.70%
- Age – 21%
- National Origin – 9.5%
- Color – 5.3%
- Religion – 3.6%
5 Statistics that Should Awaken Everyone to the Issue of Workplace Discrimination
If the above statistics and percentages are not shocking enough, the next five should unequivocally convince you that workplace discrimination is a serious issue that is everyone’s problem.
- Retaliation against an employee who reports an incident is the most frequent charge of workplace discrimination, accounting for a whopping 56% of all claims.
- Although almost half hide their gender status at work, of those who do not, 47% of transgender employees have experienced an unfair job outcome because of their transgender status, including being passed over for a job, denied a promotion or fired.
- 42% of U.S. employees confirm they have faced or witnessed workplace racism and sexism.
- Over the last 10 years, the EEOC has received over 50,000 pregnancy related workplace discrimination claims. This is in spite of the fact that women make up almost half of the U.S. workforce. Notably, many employers believe it is necessary and acceptable to ask if a woman has young children or plans to become pregnant during the hiring process.
- The EEOC reports that about 36% of people have experienced age discrimination, many being told by prospective employers they were too old or too young for a particular job.
How Can I Prove Workplace Discrimination?
Workplace discrimination can take many forms, such as being passed over for promotion, unjustly fired, refused a raise or other benefits and more. Many laws exist that provide employees rights in the workplace and prohibit discrimination via various channels. These include:
- Race
- Gender
- National origin
- Religion
- Disability
- Age
If you believe you have been discriminated against at work, you should take action. A Tennessee Employment Law Attorney in Memphis can help you review the event or actions, gather evidence and file a complaint with your employer and the proper authorities. You may also be able to pursue a lawsuit to recover compensation.
Possible evidence can be work evaluations, personal notes or communications, witness statements, audio or video of incidents or conversations and more. It is wise to document any acts of discrimination in every way possible to prove your claim. Your attorney can help you collect evidence and otherwise protect your rights, including defending you against retaliation for filing a complaint.
Contact The Crone Law Firm in Memphis if you have been a victim of workplace discrimination in Tennessee. We have the knowledge and experience to help and we care about your life and future.