What are Some Examples of Retaliation?

  1. Retaliation
  2. What are Some Examples of Retaliation?
young white business man pointing finger at young back business man

Memphis Retaliation Lawyers

What are some examples of retaliation? Retaliation is any adverse employment action taken against an employee who complains of discrimination, harassment, or a violation of workplace law. Retaliation can come in different ways. Maybe an employee tells Human Resources about her boss soliciting a coworker for sex, Subsequent to the employee’s complaint the employee gets reassigned to a different position where the same supervisor is very critical of the employee’s work product and gives unreasonable time limits to complete projects. Retaliation can also involve blocking an employee from advancing within the organization. Blocking may take the form of conducting a negative performance review, which becomes part of the employee’s permanent employment record and may also prevent the employee from receiving a raise. When the employee applies for a new position within the organization, the supervisor can also attempt to block him by providing a negative recommendation. The supervisor can block advancement by selecting a less qualified candidate for a promotion.

Retaliation might take the form of hostile actions taken by a supervisor. Common examples of hostile actions include intimidation by making verbal or visible threats, engaging in sexual harassment or bullying. Hostility typically involves an ongoing and pervasive that creates a difficult work environment for the employee. The supervisor could also encourage other employees to participate in the activity and silently condone actions taken by other employees by omitting to they have happened.

Employers may retaliate by excluding the employee from normal activities as an attempt to make the employee feel unwanted and isolated. A supervisor may refuse to invite the employee to an important meeting or a social activity such as a group luncheon or outing. A supervisor could exclude the employee from training sessions that could enhance the employee’s job performance or opportunity for advancement. Exclusion can occur by relocating the employee to an area where she has little contact with other workers.

Contact us for more examples of retaliation, and to have an attorney talk to you today!

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