When my owners got this puppy, I thought work would be my safe haven from him, but no! Everywhere I go, here he is. He’s at home. He’s at work. He goes to daycare with me. He goes to the park. I don’t care if everyone says, “well he’s just a baby.” He’s five months old! I was running an entire law firm at that age. (No he wasn’t)
Now, I have to introduce him as our newest intern ON MY BLOG! The disrespect is real. But I am nothing if not professional. As Chief Canine Officer, I am proud to announce the Intern To The Chief Canine Officer, Cowboy Crone.
I already know what you’re thinking. Who names their dog Cowboy? That’s silly. Well it’s because his fur turns a different color and it looks like he’s got boots on. Stupid Gen Z, they always have to be different from the rest of us. What happened to when solid black fur was all the rage? This one has boots, a chest plate, and eye brows! I mean look at him!
I don’t understand the hype around his boots, but he is a really good little brother. We are working on his professionalism in the workplace. He’s struggling to learn he can’t jump on people when they come in. (Archie still jumps on people, so he has nowhere to talk). He is very good at boosting morale around the office, which is our primary job. I guess it’s nice to have someone share some of that responsibility. It can be hard sometimes for me to shoulder that burden. Having the little one hop around the office definitely makes people happier at work. I guess that’s a good thing. I wanted him to be an unpaid intern because I know those are legal in Tennessee, but Alan Crone thought differently.
It Is Illegal To Discriminate Against The Intern
He doesn’t want us to discriminate at all against the little guy. He says that Cowboy should get his treats the same time I do, but a little smaller because he has less responsibility and pressure. That makes sense. He told me I can’t penalize him for the color of his fur either. I may jealous… uhh I mean INSULTED by the lack of uniformity in his coat, but I’m not a monster. I would never discriminate anyone over how they look.
Alan also assured me that I will not be discriminated against now that Cowboy is here due to my age. I turn 4 in February and I’m starting to get closer and closer to retirement age (no he’s not). I was worried that this may be an effort to push me out of the office by a younger employee that they can train how they want. Joke’s on them for two reasons:
- It’s illegal to hire someone just to push out an older employee
- My owners are awful dog trainers. They don’t even know I still jump on the clients when they aren’t looking
I’ve also learned recently that interns fall under the Fair Labor Standards Act too! So when we have to stay late, we are given time and a half treats! Staying late isn’t so bad when you have a buddy to play with while our owner works a little late.
Okay, now that I’ve been talking this out maybe having an intern isn’t so bad. Yes the newest generation is lazy. I mean look at him slacking while he’s supposed to be answering phones.
No work ethic. He’s got to be more locked in while up front. But people seem to love him, and he is getting his work done. Maybe I’m being too hard on him. Five months is a tricky time. Lots of changes happening, you’re right around the corner from going to college, and now he has the added pressure of a job. I should support him more instead of being a little standoffish. Change can be hard, but I think in the long run I’ll like having him here. I can also blame everything on him since people don’t get mad him for knocking food off the table like they do me.
Editor’s Note:
Thank you for reading the latest Pawffice written by Archie Crone. As a reminder, these are dogs that do not have law licenses. You can not pay human employees time and a half treats for overtime. If you have an intern or are an intern and you believes you or they aren’t being treated right at their new job, please call to talk to one of our actual attorneys. Yes, you can still pet the boys when you get here!